An independent, conservative voice for honesty and integrity
in government, Oklahoma consumers have trusted Bob Anthony to
fight for the interests of all Oklahomans at the Corporation
Commission for more than thirty years.
Fighting... and Winning!
- creating jobs by making Oklahoma utility rates more
- promoting natural gas usage in vehicles, homes and
- strengthening consumer protections
- ordering the largest utility refunds in state history
- rooting out corruption
- embedding regular performance, financial and
operational agency audits
- reducing regulatory burdens to business
- growing domestic energy production
- protecting the environment
- bringing wind power to the state
- rolling out high-speed Internet and enhanced 911
- enforcing the toughest ethics code of any state agency
- increasing utility reliability standards
- offering incentives for energy efficiency
- upgrading technology for schools and tele-medicine
- deregulating intrastate trucking
- improving railroad and pipeline safety
price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -- Thomas Jefferson.

the most economically powerful state agency in Oklahoma, the Corporation
Commission affects the daily lives of every single citizen in the state -- from
the utility bills they pay, to the quality of the environment in which their children
play, and even the railroad crossings they drive through. With so much
at stake, the job demands business experience and conservative
leadership, not to mention the highest standards of honesty,
integrity and commitment to duty.